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Task: Introspective Examination| Purpose: Know what you possess | Endstate: Fill voids in your life and use what you have to help others

How old is the path you walk? Who else has walked the same road? The flag you carry has been waved by many.

Living in Quantico, you begin to notice the hills, vegetation and all the elements that make up the “Quantico Highlands.” Taking a deeper look, we begin to see the layers tell the story of those who came before us. We hear the seasoned instructors tell us how much Quantico has remained the same throughout the years. These layers, whether they be trees, a catching point on the endurance course, or a steep hill are not only historical, but they are also the very things that make this place beautiful and unique. Knowing that every Marine Officer has the same initial path, we realize that you are literally walking the footsteps of some of the most famous Americans of all time.

Switching gears and traveling introspectively, we see that our own lives contain many different layers as well. Each one telling it’s own story about what we have done, what we have been through and the trials and tribulations we’ve endured to get to where we are. Although we would surely like to forget or peel away some of those layers, they serve a purpose and should be embraced as much as the layers we celebrate. When we embrace our whole selves, we are able to say “this is me, and this is what i’ve been through.” Doing so, allows us to say, "this is the value I add to this organization." Now we are able to take those experiences and help someone else who might be going through something similar, or even prevent someone from making the same mistakes or having to endure unnecessary pain.

Layers are synonymous with experience and there is no real substitution for experience. This week, I challenge you to examine the layers of your own life. See exactly what you bring to the table. Doing so will allow you to see just how effective you can be in your workplace, in your relationship, or in your community.

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